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Eric Yen-liang Lin

Professor of Applied Linguistics

​Chair, Department of English

National Taipei University of Technology

President, The English Teaching and Research Association (ETRA)

Deputy Director, APEC Institute of Innovation & Education Development


  • 國立臺北科技大學應用英文系教授兼系主任

  • 臺灣英語文教學研究學會(ETRA)理事長

  • 教育部APEC EDNET國家資深幕僚暨教育發展中心計畫主持人

  • 教育部推動APEC區域青年創新創業計畫主持人

  • ​教育部提升臺灣技職教育國際化及全球移動力等計畫共同主持人

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Eric Yen-liang Lin is currently a Professor of applied linguistics and the Chair of Department of English, at National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics in 2013 from the University of Nottingham, UK. Over the past 20 years, he has dedicated himself to teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) across both secondary and higher education institutions. His research interests include corpus linguistics, multimodal discourse analysis, speech and gesture, and language teaching research. In addition to his academic pursuits, Dr. Lin holds a pivotal role as the Director of the MOE APEC Advisory Team for Education Network. He has actively participated in the APEC Education Network (EDNET) and overseen several APEC projects since 2016.




Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, School of English

University of Nottingham, UK


M.A. in TESOL, School of Education

University of Nottingham, UK


B.B.A. in Computer Science & Information Management

Providence University, Taiwan

White Structure



Corpus Linguistics

Gesture & Multimodality

EMI & ESP Research

English Language Teaching

Computer Assisted Language Learning

Bilingual Teacher Education



Yang, C. X., & Lin, Y. L.* (2024). Multimodal story-retelling: The influences of cognitive load on co-speech and co-thought gestures for conceptualization. In Kleanthes K. Grohmann (Ed.), Multifaceted multilingualism. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.

Lin, Y. L., Tsai, Y. C., & Hsieh, C.Y. (2023). Discourse competence across band scores: An analysis of speaking performance in the General English Proficiency Test, IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. (SSCI/AHCI)

Huang, L. F., Lin, Y. L., & Gráf, Tomáš (2023). Development of the use of discourse markers across different fluency levels of CEFR: A learner corpus analysis, Pragmatics, 33(1), 49-77. (SSCI/AHCI)


Lin, Y. L. (2022). Speech-accompanying gestures in L1 and L2 conversational interaction by speakers of different proficiency levels, IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 60(2), 123-142. (SSCI/AHCI)


Lin, Y. L. (2021). Gestures as scaffolding for L2 narrative recall and retention: The role of task complexity, gesture type, and working memory, Language Teaching Research (SSCI/AHCI)

Lin, Y. L. (2020). A helping hand for thinking and speaking: Effects of gestures and task planning on second language narrative discourse, System, 91 (SSCI)

Lin, Y. L. (2020). Pragmatic nature of L2 communication: Spoken grammar in native and EFL speakers. In Alireza Jamshidnejad (Ed.), Speaking English as a second language: Learners’ problems and coping strategies (pp. 51-74). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lin, C. A., Lin, Y. L.*, & Tsai, P. S. (2020). Assessing foreign language narrative writing through automated writing evaluation: A case for the web-based Pigai system. In Serpil Meri Yilan (Ed.), ICT-based assessment, methods, and programs in tertiary education (pp. 100-119). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Lin, C. H., & Lin, Y. L.* (2019). Grammatical and lexical patterning of Make in Asian learner writing: A corpus-based study of ICNALE, 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, 25(3), 1-15. (Scopus)

Lin, Y. L. (2017). Co-occurrence of speech and gestures: A multimodal corpus linguistic approach to intercultural interaction, Journal of Pragmatics, 117, 155-167. (SSCI/AHCI)


Lin, Y. L. (2017). Keywords, semantic domains and intercultural competence in the British and Taiwanese Teenage Intercultural Communication Corpus, Corpora, 12(2), 279-305. (Scopus)


Lin, Y. L. (2016). Development of multi-word sequences by adolescent EFL learners through online interaction, English Today, 32(4), 27-32. (SSCI/AHCI)


Lin, Y. L. (2016). Discourse marking in spoken intercultural communication between British and Taiwanese adolescent learners, Pragmatics, 26(2), 221-245. (SSCI/AHCI)


Lin, Y. L. (2016). Nonstandard capitalisation and vocal spelling in computer-mediated communication, Corpora, 11(1), 63-82. (Scopus)


Lin, Y. L. (2015). Contrastive analysis of adolescent learner interlanguage in asynchronous online communication: A keyness approach, System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 55, 53-62. (SSCI)


Lin, Y. L. (2015). Using key part-of-speech analysis to examine spoken discourse by Taiwanese EFL learners. ReCALL (Journal of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning), 27(3), 304-320. (SSCI/AHCI)


Lin, Y. L. (2015). Phonological awareness training for adolescent EFL learners: From research to practice, International Journal of English and Education, 4(4), 494-506.


Lin, Y. L. (2014). Exploring recurrent multi-word sequences in EFL textbook dialogues and authentic discourse. English Teaching & Learning, 38(2), 133-158. (THCI-Core/Scopus)


Lin, Y. L. (2013). Vague language and interpersonal communication: An analysis of adolescent intercultural conversation. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 1(2), 69-81.

Lin, Y. L. (2013). Discourse functions of recurrent multi-word sequences in online and face-to-face intercultural communication. In J. Romero-Trillo (Ed.), Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics (pp. 105-129). London: Springer.

Lin, Y. L. (2012). Mind the gap! Textbook conversation vs. authentic intercultural interaction. In Y. Leung (Ed.), Selected Papers from the 21st International Symposium on English Teaching (pp. 42-54). Taipei: Crane Publishing. (Best Paper Award)

Lin, Y. L. (2012). Lexical features of adolescent online intercultural communication. In M. Dąbrowska, J. Lesniewska, & B. Piąte (Eds.), Languages, Literatures and Cultures in Contact: English and American Studies in the Age of Global Communication (pp. 217-232). Krakow: Tertium.


Lin, Y. L. (2009). The effect of phonics instruction on word recognition and reading comprehension among EFL low-achieving learners in a Taiwanese junior high school. Tzu Chi University Journal of Educational Research, 5, 293-355.

Book chapters/e-journals


林彥良、陳心怡、楊韻華(2023)。ESP與EMI教學共進—跨域合作模式與教師專業發展 。載於劉美慧(主編),高等教育的EMI教學:理論與本土實務的對話。臺北市,元照出版。

高實玫、林彥良、陳慧琴(2022)。多模態設計在臺灣雙語教學的應用 (EMI with Multimodality)。載於鄒文莉、高郁婷、林律君(主編),臺灣高教英語授課教學資源書-全球在地化課程設計與教學實踐。臺北市,書林出版。


張善貿、林彥良(2019) (編審)。HEAR & SAY 中階英語聽講練習。臺北市,希伯崙出版。

張善貿、林彥良(2019) (編審)。HEAR & SAY 初階英語聽講練習。臺北市,希伯崙出版。

林彥良(2015)。國際教育融入課程與教學: 思考到發表,開啟國際新視角。新北教育季刊,16,34-37。

林彥良(2015)。Think Green! Go Green! 用英文繪本播下環境教育的種子。清淨花蓮年度期刊。

孫台育、林彥良(2015)。化仁地球村 世界即教室。中小學國際教育推動電子期刊。

林彥良、徐明卉(2009)。教室連結 全球對話:弱勢孩子也能用自信與世界交朋友。刊於第五屆教育理論與實務對話研討會論文集(163-222頁)。台北,國立台灣大學。

林彥良(2007)。英語測驗編制原則與技巧。Electronic Journal of English Education,38。

林彥良(2007)。學習,其實可以透過戲劇創意更有活力。Electronic Journal of English Education,34。

White Structure



Lin, Y. L. (2024, August). Interdisciplinary Collaboration of ESP and EMI Lecturers in Higher Education: Multimodal Classroom Interaction and Professional Development. Paper to be presented at the 21st AILA World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Lin, Y. L. (2024, March). Collaborative Inquiry in ESP Course Design and Instruction: From Materials Development to Team Teaching. Paper to be presented at 2024 International Conference on Bilingual Education, Taipei, Taiwan.


Lin, Y. L. (2023, July). Pragmatic Gestures and Interactional Fluency across L2 Proficiency Levels: A Multimodal Learner CorpusAnalysis. Paper presented at the AsiaTEFL 2023 Conference, Daejeon, South Korea.


Li, W., & Lin, Y. L. (2022, December). Teacher-student interaction and student comprehension in the EMI classroom. Paper presented at the 2022 International Conference on TESOL & Translation, Changhua.

Lin, Y. L. (2022, November). Continuing professional development for EMI in higher education. Paper presented at the 31st International Symposium on English Teaching (ETA), Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, Y. L. (2022, June). Creating an engaging EMI classroom: Student support and teacher professional development. Paper presented at the NTUB International Forum on Bilingual Education, Taipei, Taiwan.


Tsai, Y. C., & Lin, Y. L. (2021, October). Discourse competence in discussion tasks across score levels in the high-intermediate GEPT speaking test. Paper presented at the APLX International Conference on Applied Linguistics, Taipei.


Lin, Y. L. (2021, July). Gestures as scaffolding for thinking, speaking, and language learning: An analysis of video-mediated narrative tasks. Paper presented at the 4th Pedagogy and Practice in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL 2021) conference, Taipei.

Huang, L. F., & Lin, Y. L. (2020, Sep.). Fluency in Taiwanese learners’ speech across different proficiency levels: A learner corpus analysis. Paper to be presented at the 3rd Conference on English Language Education in the Chinese Context, Taipei.

Lin, Y. L. (2019, Nov.). A helping hand in the classroom: Gestures in language learning and cognition. Paper presented at the 2019 TESPA Annual Symposium, Taipei. (Invited Talk)

Lin, Y. L. (2019, May). Task complexity and speech-gesture production: A cross-linguistic analysis of L1 and L2 narratives. Paper presented at the Seventh Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC7), Aarhus.

Huang, Y. L., & Lin, Y. L. (2019, May). Making vocabulary comprehensive: integrating gestures in English language teaching in elementary school. Paper presented at the ELT and cross-cultural studies conference, Aletheia University.

Tam, L., & Lin, Y. L. (2019, May). The effects of task complexity and pre-task planning on the CAF of EFL learners' written production. Paper presented at the CSMU conference on foreign language education, Taichung.

Lin, Y. L. (2018, Dec.). Corpus linguistics approaches to ESP: From monomodal to multimodal. Paper presented at the 2018 TESPA Annual Symposium, Taipei. (Invited Talk)

Yang, C. X., & Lin, Y. L. (2018, Dec.). The influences of cognitive load on co-speech and co-thought gestures for conceptualization. Paper presented at the 2018 Australian Linguistic Society (ALS) Conference.

Li, C. C., & Lin, Y. L. (2018, May). A corpus-based study of discourse marker “like” in academic spoken discourse. Paper presented at the International Conference on ELT and business in the digital age.

Lin, Y. L. (2018, July). Co-speech gestures in L1 and L2 narratives: the role of proficiency, cognitive loads and cross-linguistic influence. Paper presented at 8th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS), Cape Town.

Lin, Y. L. (2017, June). Multimodal corpus analysis to co-gesture speech by Taiwanese EFL learners of different proficiency levels. Paper presented at AILA Conference, Rio de Janeiro.

Sun, I. & Lin, Y. L. (2017, May). Trump’s and Clinton’s language and gestures in the 2016 U.S. presidential debates. Paper presented at 2017 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature.

Lin, I. C. & Lin, Y. L. (2017, May). Teaching English through English in elementary schools: an analysis of teaching strategies, learner attitude, and learning outcome. Paper presented at 2017 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature.

Lee, H. H. & Lin, Y. L. (2017, Mar). Linguistic-gestural representations in motion event narrations: Mandarin Chinese as L1 and English as L2. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics.

Lin, C. H. & Lin, Y. L. (2017, Mar). Grammatical and lexical patterning of 'make' in native speaker, Taiwanese and other Asian learner writing: A corpus-based study of ICNALE. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics.

Tseng, L. E. & Lin, Y. L. (2016, November). Questions and feedback in EFL elementary classrooms: A case study of native, non-native, novice, and experienced teachers. Paper presented at the Long-Hua Applied Foreign Language Conference, Taoyuan.

Lin, Y. L. (2016, May). Co-occurrence of speech and gestures: A multi-modal corpus approach to intercultural interaction. Paper presented at the 2016 International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME) Conference, Hong Kong.

Jan, J. Y. & Lin, Y. L. (2016, May). The effect of board games on English vocabulary learning and motivated behavior of elementary school learners. Paper presented at the 6th NHUE Conference on Children English Education, Hsinchu.

Lin, Y. L. (2015, November). Using key part-of-speech analysis to examine learner interlanguage in online and spoken communication. Paper presented at the 24th International Symposium on English Teaching (ETA), Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, Y. L. (2012, December). Mind the gap! Textbook conversation vs. authentic intercultural interaction. Paper presented at the 21st International Symposium on English Teaching (ETA), Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, Y. L. (2012, May). Analysing intercultural discourse in online and spoken communication: A Keyness Approach. Paper presented at the sixth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) conference, Leeds, UK.

Lin, Y. L., & Adolphs, S. (2012, April). Formulaic language in EFL textbook conversation and naturally occurring communication. Paper presented at the 2012 AAAL Conference, Boston, USA.

Lin, Y. L. (2012, April). Intercultural communication and young learners: An analysis of online and face-to-face interaction. Paper presented at the 44th BAAL Annual Meeting, Bristol, UK.

Lin, Y. L. (2011, December). Keywords, parts-of-speech and semantic domains in online intercultural communication. Paper presented at the 14th Warwick International Postgraduate Conference, Warwick, UK.

Lin, Y. L. (2011, May). Intercultural exchange on electronic discussion boards: the development of formulaic sequences by Taiwanese junior high school students. Paper presented at 2011 International Conference on EFL Education, Changhua, Taiwan.

Lin, Y. L. (2011, February). The lexical features of adolescent online intercultural communication. Paper presented at the Twelfth International Conference on English and American Studies, Krakow, Poland.

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Ongoing Projects 目前執行中之計畫

Asia-Pacific Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship Project








Internationalization of Technological & Vocational Education in Taiwan Project






1. 手勢輔助語言學習:任務複雜及困難度、敘事記憶與視覺注意力 (擔任計畫主持人)

2. 不同英語程度和母語背景之中介語口語流暢度和正確性 (擔任計畫協同主持人)




臺灣專業英語文學會辦理學術推廣計畫    (擔任計畫主持人)




運用語料驅動學習與專題式合作學習輔助英文學術論文寫作與發表 (擔任計畫主持人)








專業服務 Professional Services

  • 社團法人台灣評鑑協會「大專校院委託辦理品質保證評鑑」評鑑委員

  • 國家教育研究院「國民中小學英語文教科書審定委員會」審查委員

  • 國科會「專題研究計畫」初審、複審委員

  • 國科會「鼓勵技專校院從事實務型研究計畫案」初審複審委員

  • 國科會「大專學生專題研究計畫」審查委員

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  • 教育部「高級中等學校教師海外短期進修」審查委員

  • 教育部「提升國民中小學英語教學成效計畫」審查委員

  • 教育部「選送中小學教師出國入班觀課計畫」審查委員

  • 教育部「學校本位暨多元主題創新英語課程計畫」審查委員

  • 教育部「建置因材網線上學習平台計畫」審查委員

  • 教育部「國民中小學英語科學生學習扶助教材研發計畫」審查委員

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  • 亞太經合會「資深官員會議(SOM)」國家資深幕僚(中華臺北代表)

  • LTTC「補助偏遠地區中小學英語教學創新計劃」審查委員

  • LTTC「語言教學實踐與研究計畫補助專案」審查委員

  • 大專校院教師資格審查,如:國立東華大學、國立中興大學、國立高雄科大、國立臺灣科大、國立屏東科大、國立嘉義大學、國立臺東大學、國立臺北教育大學、國立中央大學、輔仁大學、文藻外語大學、逢甲大學、靜宜大學 等

  • 重要學術研討會論文審查,如:

英語文教學研究國際研討會(ETRA)、應用語言學國際研討會(APLX)、應用語言學國際研討會(ALLT)​ 等

  • 國內發行之重要學術期刊論文審查,如:

English Teaching & Learning, Taiwan Journal of TESOL, Taiwan International ESP Journal, 中等教育期刊、教育科學研究期刊 等

  • 國際期刊SSCI論文審查,如:

System, Journal of Pragmatics,  International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Language & Speech, IRAL 等

  • 教育部國民中小學部分領域課程雙語教學實施計畫諮詢輔導委員

  • 教育部「高級中等學校英文課程全英語授課計畫諮詢輔導委員

  • 教育部高級中等學校部分領域課程雙語教學計畫」諮詢輔導委員

  • 教育部「補助擴增高級中等學校雙語實驗班」諮詢輔導委員

  • 教育部「英語補救教學輔導諮詢推動計畫」核心團隊

  • 教育部「活化教學—分組合作學習的理念推廣與實踐方案」輔導委員

  • 教育部「國民中學學習資源網維護團隊」英語科諮詢教授

  • 教育部「偏遠學校國中小英語教師赴海外研習計畫」諮詢委員

  • 教育部「國中小基本學習內容修正計畫」諮詢委員

  • 教育部「國中小英語影片學習平臺計畫」諮詢委員

  • 教育部「Cool English英語線上學習平臺」諮詢委員

  • 教育部「十二年國教課程綱要高級中等學校體育班英文科」諮詢委員

  • 教育部「第二期技職教育再造計畫效益評估計畫」諮詢委員

  • 教育部「英語線上學習平臺(Cool English)網站開發及課程推廣計畫」審查委員

  • 國立臺灣科技大學語言中心、國立政治大學英文系等課程諮詢委員

  • 台灣英語文教學研究學會(ETRA)理事

  • 臺北市高中英文科教師甄選命題、閱卷、複試委員

  • 新北市、花蓮縣等縣市教師聯合甄選 試教、口試評審委員

  • 花蓮市立幼兒園「幼兒美語教學委託專業服務」評審委員

  • 花蓮縣「教育希望工程公費留美計畫」評審委員

  • ​花蓮縣「環保工作促進會」理事、監事

  • 臺北市、桃園市等縣市英語讀者劇場/英語演說動態競賽評審委員

  • 基隆市、宜蘭縣等縣市英文寫作等英語學藝競賽評審委員

  • 國家教育研究院 研究成果報告審查委員

  • 國家教育研究院建置臺灣英語力語料庫與共同參考架構暨教材編輯輔助系統計畫」等計畫諮詢委員

  • 教育部委辦「英語教學模組試辦計畫」訪視委員

  • 教育部委辦「引進外籍英語教師計畫」訪視委員

  • 教育部委辦「群英行腳大專英語夏令營」訪視委員

  • 教育部委辦「海外華裔青年英語夏令營」訪視委員

  • 教育部委辦「補救教學入班輔導人員培訓計畫」訪視委員

  • 教育部委辦「學校本位英語教學創新方案」訪視委員

  • 新北市政府「引進外籍英語教師計畫」訪視委員

獲獎紀錄 Awards & Honours





Dr. Shechtman優秀年輕學者研究獎






擔任中學教師時期 (2005.8-2014.7):

榮獲第 21 屆英語文教學國際學術研討會(ETA)最佳論文獎

國立臺灣大學主辦SUPER 創意教案獎甄選 榮獲貳等獎

教育部優良英語寫作教學示例甄選競賽 榮獲全國優選 

教育部優良國中英語段考命題競賽 榮獲全國特優 

教育部優良英語補救教學示例甄選 榮獲優選(全國第一名)



當選103年度 花蓮縣優秀社會青年

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